New videos live from studio

Hey there! Early May my band and I travelled back to Flerbruket Studio outside Oslo, where we recorded our latest album Human Samling, to record a few live videos. By now you can enjoy two songs; Pillow Talk and Voyager, both from the Human Samling album. -H

About latest album Human Samling

Just stoping by to thank all of you who bought Human Samling, streamed it ( a lot) and wrote to me via all platforms one can imagine. Music is something going on between us, the musicians, and the receiver(s). So every feedback means a lot to me - especially now when we cannot perform.

Human Samling is for sure available wherever you consume your music online, but it will be officially launched outside Norway jan/feb 2021. Until then some lovely quotes from the Norwegian press:

  • ★★★★★ - Klassekampen

  • "Remarkably beautiful and pleasant sounding music for our times" - Dagens Næringsliv

  • "A masterpiece! So incredibly fresh, effortless and cool" -

  • "I feel embraced" - Jazznytt


Deichman Musikkblogg

Plnty Podcast

New video of my latest project Samme Planet

Just wanted to share with you a brand new video live from Nasjonal Jazzscene with a new band i put together spring 2020 which includes Andreas Wildhagen on drums, Solveig Wang on synths and Magnus S. Nergaard on the bass. Three of the finest musicians I know here in Oslo. We play improvised music based on rhythms and puls.

Have a listen!

Daily piano. Daily inspiration

My beloved friend and colleague Kjetil Jerves Daily Piano is one of the finest musical concepts online(instagram) these days. I love these loops and rhythmical patterns, not to mention the daily vibe from his triplet daugthers that appears in the background once in a while.

I´ve done a couple of improvisations on top two randomly picked instagram-videos. Such a fun way to practice my new multi tasking concept I´m digging into these days.

Enjoy these two videos and other stuff on my YouTube-channel